Hello, I'm John Erickson

I'm a Software Developer who absolutely loves building modern, elegant websites that are simple to use yet beautiful to look at.

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Animal Rescue

Note this is a work in progress: I created a fictional animal rescue site from concept to production. Throughout the project I had the opportunity to act as UX, designer, and sole programmer. The tech stack I used for the project was HTML, CSS, Sass JavaScript, 3rd-party JavaScript plugins, TypeScript, Bootstrap 4, and Angular.

Enterprise Mockup

Working on a client project I was asked to recreate a legacy tool utilized by the University which acts as a centralized hub for job aids, resources, templates, and modals. I was asked to modernize the tool making the application responsive and mobile friendly. Throughout the project I had the opportunity to act as UX, designer, and sole programmer. The tech stack I used for the project was HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap 4, and two JavaScript Plugins: MixItUp3 and Magnific Popup. The project showcased resembles the final build, however what’s shown is a mockup.

Tic Tac Toe

While attending Bootcamp I was tasked with creating a fully functional game of Tic Tac Toe using the Ruby programming language. The user has the ability to play against the computer in three varying difficulties: Easy, Medium or Hard. During this process I was introduced to coding methodologies ranging from but not limited to Test-Driven Development, Object-Oriented Design, Pair Programming, Algorithms and much more. Feeling lucky? Play the computer on the hard difficulty. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Wanting to better understand web design I created a fictional food delivery site from concept to production. With the aide of a Udemy course I learned how to create proper HTML5 semantics able to successfully pass validation, how to create attention grabbing CSS3 using animation, how to use both JavaScript and jQuery to create user-interface functionality, the importance of user accessibility across multiple platforms, how to create custom responsive web design using media queries, how to optimize media so that the site responds quickly and how to use keywords and meta tags to maximize search engine optimization.

User Experience

While attending The Art Institute of Pittsburgh I had the opportunity to take several classes which focused on user experience and project management. While each class unique, most required completing a large scale multi-media project within a short period of time. Throughout such projects I was introduced to mockups and wireframes, project management philosophies, working with a team on strict deadlines and meeting client needs.

Color Guessing Game

There’s no question jQuery can help developers traverse the DOM more easily by simplifying common tasks such as DOM manipulation. However recent updates to JavaScript have made many developers reconsider using jQuery, a large library where most functionality while useful goes unused. Throughout this project I learned how to manipulate the DOM using vanilla JavaScript creating a stylish game where the user attempt to pick a color based on RGB values.

To-Do List

If you’re a developer you understand the never ending list of todos, so what better way to keep track of what activities still need completed, not to mention feel accomplished when a todo is marked complete than through a custom built To-Do application? Throughout this project I used jQuery to manipulate the DOM creating a To-Do application where the user can create, complete, and trash todos.


HTML5 logo


CSS logo


Bootstrap logo


GitHub logo


JavaScript logo


jQuery logo


TypeScript logo


Angular logo

Angular 7

About Me

John Erickson

I moved to Pittsburgh shortly after graduating college at Penn State where I received a B.S. in Business. While I've spent a large portion of my professional career working in several business-related roles I've always found myself drawn to technology.

With an unquenchable thirst to learn new things, I decided to pursue a career change. In August of 2016, I attended a coding Bootcamp, completing a 16-week intensive Full Stack Web Development curriculum. Throughout the Bootcamp, I learned programming fundamentals using the Ruby programming language, how to build state of the art web pages and desktop applications, and most importantly how to think like a programmer.

Since then I've acted as a Teaching Assistant teaching web fundamentals, a Software Engineer, and Web Developer.

I currently work part-time as a Web Development Instructor for Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, teaching students the fundamentals of Web Development using HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Responsive Design, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap 4.

When I'm not coding you can find me out on the trails running with my pup Waffle Nuggets, enjoying the company of my two cats Nacho Donut and Kratos Flying Pie, riding my Peleton that or eating pizza with my lovely partner in crime!

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John has a true passion for learning new technology and problem solving which makes him an obvious choice for any software engineering position. His programming skills are incredibly sharp and he has a knack for identifying problems within an application and coming up with solutions that are both maintainable and scalable. ~Nathan Cobbet ~ Software Engineer
Without John's expertise both in web development and as an instructor, our teaching would not have been nearly as effective. John was an invaluable asset to me as an instructor, he's a brilliant and creative developer, and he's a deeply involved and caring team member. I can't recommend him highly enough. ~Sean Bailey ~ Coding Instructor
John's dedication to his work is unparalleled. His creativity, passion, curiosity, and professionalism enhanced my classroom each week and directly affected the class culture in a highly positive way. John is always willing to learn more, do more, and contribute more to the end result. ~John Hall ~ Production Designer